Sunday, 3 August 2008

SHARKIES BONE SYMPHONY Music Video on MTV2 - 120 Minutes

Hello this is Reppion here.

Check the music video for the current ' To The Bones' Single - SHARKIES BONE SYMPHONY which is effectively one side of our double A side single out now.

Explanation for this music video? A lot of people do ask the question are we quite "ok" mentally when they see this video, they ask if we are sadistic, they ask if we are masochistic, they ask if we like ' Saw ' movies, Tarrantino films and general "shit pant" factor cinema as a whole! Sure we like some of it but we don't live by it.

Well, a lot will find that we aren't exactly like that, the concept came from a rather strange source. I have a feeling as you all begin to get to know us all more you'll find us all having the mentallity of four school boys when together. The idea spiralled off into new worlds when Wayne ( who's wayne...?Do some research ) said ( when idea boucing ) he'd like to be tied up to a bed and mauled by attractive nurses and such. We all laughed.......and the ideas continued onwards.................." lets get things like meat thrown at us...", " lets get burt reynolds in it...." etc etc. - Just general banter.

From that the " treater " of the film who is worldwidely knows as ' Yarky ' came up with the concept of each of us having our own "weird" scenes where I would be watching on several TV's members of To The Bones being tortured or fucked around with. To this, Wayne got his "dreams" answered when he was tied to the ceiling with thick rope, surrounded with plastic where then two attractive females dressed in very small fitting nurses costumes pelted him violently with raw meat in red food colouring and effectively eaten alive by these insane Nurses for an hour. Wayne felt the pain.

Matthew - well probably the most physically harmed of us all , was placed in a straight jacket on a cold, wet concrete floor in a deserted grey factory room where then three( again attractive females ) in military costumes came into the scene and beat him in the back with metal poles.
The first hits to matthew were soft like you would imagine " acting "to this the director said, " he's being tortured, stop hitting him like a puppy and hit him like you mean it !"

For an hour Matthew was beaten from different angles, and it wasn't warm at all, you could see the steam coming off Matthew's body. At the end of the long scene....Matt took off his straight jacket soaked to the bone and his back was ripped up, cut, bruised and red raw! NO kidding you -there's a photo knocking around somewhere.

Tommy T-Bone was dressed in his suit and shades, controlled by two robotic looking females where then they made him slice his chest with a knife and lick his blood. ( Not real ofcourse ).
Myself was given the scene of losing control in my Red room with my old style Televisions and dull coloured metal sculptures made from car parts and electrical goods. These, with the TV's where destroyed by myself at the end of the scene.!

To top all this off we mixed in a performance section to the video where i began lightly with lots of wind fans pushing blue card type material through the air as we jammed to then being sprayed with 50 litres of COLD COLD COLD COLD ( did i say COLD? ) Red Paint. It was VERY messy..............but admittidly very exhilerating to be sprayed in this paint. A video where we all pushed ourselves to the limit for our "art." Its our art never the less. Verdict? Mentally scarred and a lot of fun.

More photos can be found on the myspace and all you insomniacs, late night drinkers/smokers can catch the video on MTV2 120 Minutes. Here is the video of "Sharkies Bone Symphony"...Thanks.
